James H Maher
Volume 5 of the Advanced Tung Style Acupuncture Series is solely concerned with the application of Master Tung’s Acupuncture in the treatment of pain. This text presents over 250 prescriptions culled from more than 15 different Chinese language sources. From these sources, treatment suggestions are directed towards usage in a pain management setting, much like that employed by the busy anesthesiologist in a pain management clinic.
These pain management data were compiled, collated, translated, and accompanying diagrams added, in order to facilitate the application of said. These protocols are meant to be employed in a ‘cut to the chase’ method of assessing the patient’s specific needs and inserting needles to ameliorate the pain as rapidly as possible. As with previous volumes, the data include author-specific point locations, needling instructions, contraindications and, when available, clinical comments, herbal suggestions, lifestyle modifications, etc. all derived from the author(s) own personal clinical experiences with Master Tung’s Acupuncture. Finally, as was the case with the earlier volumes, the application of the information contained herein is predicated upon a base level of understanding of the acupuncture of Master Tung Ching-Chang. 261 pages
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Pinellia & Gastrodia Combination 半夏天麻白朮湯
Pueraria Coptis & Scute Combination 葛根黃芩黃連湯